We’re the best thing about aging in Midland since 1974.

Our Mission:
Our Mission is to address challenges related to aging and develop efficient, flexible, and compassionate ways to meet the needs of our community.
Our Vision:
Senior Life Midland will improve the quality of life for seniors in Midland.
About Us:
Senior Life Midland is a private, non-profit agency that offers programs designed to meet the needs of older Midland residents. We serve people who are not reached by other organizations so that no one goes without help. We work to improve the quality of life for seniors while helping them maintain good health, dignity and independence as they grow older. We depend largely on the generosity of our community to operate.
Our History:
Community and Senior Services (CSS) was initiated as an outreach project of First Christian Church in 1974 and later incorporated as a stand-alone nonprofit in 1982. The donation of the Fuhrman-Vogel Center in 1987 allowed an expansion of programs and the addition of a large commercial kitchen to prepare meals for three local senior centers and Meals On Wheels.
CSS joined the Midland United Way in 1988. The Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) started in 1994 to recruit and place senior volunteers with local nonprofit agencies. Federal funding to begin the Foster Grandparent and the Senior Companion Volunteer Programs was received in 2001 and 2003, respectively.
In 2013, CSS provided 156,079 meals to individuals and senior centers; 95,674 units of service through homebound programs and senior centers and 208,291 hours of community service through RSVP, Senior Companions and Foster Grandparents.
In 2015 the organization launched a rebranding effort which included changing our name. The new name let newcomers to Midland learn of our many services for older adults while it reminded residents we are “more than a meal” with Senior Corps, Homebound Services, and Senior Centers.
In 2019 the organization rebranded to be called Senior Life Midland.
Board of Directors
Stephen Bowerman
Dean Byrom
Adrian Carrasco
Steven Galvan
Eric Griffin
James Haest
Blane Heflin
Pat Henderson
Jay Hendricks
Sarah Marston
Bob McNaughton
John Moesch
Christian Nolan
Zahir Noormohamed
Orland Purcell
Theresa Rodriguez
Tina Strickling
Andy Shaffer
Dr. Robert Sheets
Lin Turner
Travis White